Full Package – The Foundation of Efficiency

We’re not psychic but we can probably guess what your last 3 e-mails were about.

1. Responding to your vendor’s email informing you of garment shortages from the distributor.
2. Playing the “middle man” and getting it reconciled.
3. Asking for a packing slip and tracking for the order that shipped last night.


Fast paced industry = Faster turns

In an industry full of last minute changes and game-time decisions, you have to be able to adapt — and quickly. Some things are inevitable, like supply chain disruptions, shortages, inclement weather, spoilage, the list goes on. The merchandise industry has a lot of complexities, and any glitch in the process can mean delays and unhappy clients. Although a lot of things may be out of your control, being proactive and thinking 2 steps ahead is the key in winning the game.


The benefits of full package production

To mitigate as many issues as possible, we find that offering a comprehensive solution is the most efficient and beneficial route for everyone involved. From supplying all garments, decoration, finishing services, and shipment, we are able to oversee the order from start to finish and ensure accuracy every step of the way.


Floor Stock

Floor stock allows us to fulfill orders without skipping a beat, which is why we’ve chosen to dedicate 30k square feet of our new facility to storing garments. We want to eliminate the excuses and maximize victories for our clients by always having garments stocked and ready to go into production. Whether it’s a rush order or a high demand garment that is out of stock everywhere, our goal is to execute and deliver your vision every time.



One of the main benefits of using our company for full-package production is the visibility we have on the garments at all times. This allows us to guarantee that our partners receive the exact amount of pieces they are anticipating and eliminates the risk of any spoilage that may occur.



Additionally, we take on the cost of any spoilage that may occur, which greatly reduces the risk and financial burden for our clients, providing peace of mind knowing that they are not at risk for any unexpected costs.



Full-package production is especially ideal for anything needing to be shipped within 5 working days of order submission. By taking on garment purchasing, we are able to minimize unnecessary communication between parties and focus on accepting and processing more orders. This helps keep Culture Studio fast and guarantees a ship date when our customers need something by a certain date, or when they have promised their customers their goods by a certain date.

When we confirm a ship date through email, our customers, and their customers, can be confident that it will be met. If any garment delays happen on our end, we will be hands-on with distributors to make it happen.



Using our company for full-package production offers a variety of benefits, including reduced risk and financial burden, guaranteed ship dates, and streamlined communication. We pride ourselves on providing a hassle-free and efficient experience, allowing our clients to focus on growing their business.


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Michelle Miles

Brand Creative Manager


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