As the COVID-19 outbreak has caused major events, tours, and conferences to be cancelled, a lot of companies are transitioning to digital platforms to translate the experience to their audience while quarantined. We’re seeing music artists like Diplo host live stream sets, personal trainers holding sessions on Zoom, and recreational classes being taught virtually. Audiences aren’t getting the full experience of being in the space and are missing out on human interaction, but sending out merch to participants can be a great way to make everyone feel like a part of the group or add incentive for people to join in.

Virtual Races 

Many marathons and races have been cancelled, but there are creative ways to keep them going by having participants run on their treadmill or trail in their neighborhood to track their own time. Awards and participation packages with tees and water bottles can be sent out to runners to boost motivation.

Fitness Classes

Offer a “work out package” to those who sign up for your classes. Package could include sports gear like a tank, athletic zip up, water bottle, and towel or branded equipment like a resistance band.

Music Shows/Album Releases

Offer a bundle deal — people who purchase a t-shirt or hoodie receive an exclusive access code to your live stream concert or album release. Music artists rely on live shows and their fans buying merch at their shows, so this is a way to still get those sales in.

Virtual Job Fairs

Workforce groups are planning online job fairs to gain employees and provide options for those laid off during the outbreak, or even new graduates. For jobs in the medical field, construction, and remote work, this can be a great option in lieu of in-person interviews and fairs. If your business is participating, you could send out promotional products like pens and notebooks, or swag bags that would normally be handed out at booths.


Not so much a virtual event, but keeping customers steady can be a challenge at this time. Have a new dish or drink for people to try? Offer a keepsake glass, mug, or kitchen utensil for everyone who orders take out or delivery.


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